Pink Morphin Ranger - Kimberly Hart
Full Name: Kimberly Anne Hart
Other Identity:
Planet of Origin: Earth
Species: Human
Alignment: Good
Group: Power Rangers
Rank: Pink Morphin Ranger
Age: February 13, 1979
Place of Birth: Seattle Washington
Race: Scot-Irish American, Greek
Love Interest:
Family: Father - Mark Hart (Publisher), Mother - Anne Pierre (Art Dealer), Stepfather - Claude Pierre (Artist), Stepmother - Kate Hart, Uncle - John Hart (Pilot Instructor), Step Brother - Ronald Hart (Computer Engineer) [20]
Height: 5 foot 1
Weight: 110 lbs

Kimberly is one of a number of humans that possesses a connection to the Phoenix Force and is a candidate to serve as its avatar, although what that means has never been explained to her.

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